Creche Policies
Outdoor Play
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 46.06 kB |
Downloads: | 6388 |
It is the policy of CCRC Ltd., that all children are allowed outdoors daily (weather permitting). We aim to allow them as much outdoor play as possible.
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 44.33 kB |
Downloads: | 5682 |
It is the policy of CCRC Ltd., to ensure the safety and well-being of the children and adults involved in our service when planning and undertaking outings.
Parent-Childcare Worker Meeting
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 44.12 kB |
Downloads: | 5664 |
Meetings / discussions with parents to be held at appropriate times to discuss how their child/ren are progressing, whether a child is ready to move onto the next level / room.
Parental Involvement
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 44 kB |
Downloads: | 5575 |
It is the policy of CCRC Ltd to promote the active participation of parents in the planning and development of our service, valuing parents as the first educators of their children...
Positive Behaviour Management
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 48.54 kB |
Downloads: | 5554 |
The CCRC Ltd believes that children should be encouraged to grow and develop to their full potential in a suitably planned environment, where they know what is expected of them, and where clear limits are set, appropriate to their age and stage of development and any special needs they may have...