Creche Policies
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 46.45 kB |
Downloads: | 5066 |
When a child is enrolled in our service, the immunisation section of the registration form should be completed.
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 46.23 kB |
Downloads: | 5331 |
A protocol is in place for the administration of medication and administration of prescribed medication. That any medication to be administered in the Resource Centre would be recorded and signed by both parent/guardian and childcare provider and witnessed.
Healthy Eating
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 47.28 kB |
Downloads: | 5668 |
It is the policy of our childcare service to promote a healthy lifestyle through prevention of illness and establishing healthy eating patterns. It is our policy to comply with current regulations including the Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulations 1996, the Food Hygiene Regulations and any subsequent amendments...
Head Lice
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 44.43 kB |
Downloads: | 5102 |
It is always possible to catch head lice, no matter how careful we are. Children can pick up head lice just by coming into close contact with someone who is infected..
General Hygiene.doc
Date added: | 04/19/2010 |
Date modified: | 04/19/2010 |
Filesize: | 46.39 kB |
Downloads: | 5440 |
The CCRC Ltd., is committed to promoting a healthy environment and a high standard of personal hygiene for adults and children. It is our policy to comply with current regulations including the Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulations 1996 and Food Hygiene Regulations including any subsequent amendments